Cat Adoption Form

At the Humane Society of North Iowa, we seek responsible homes for our animals, where owners fulfill the physical needs, veterinary needs, safety and emotional needs of their pets. Our adoptive dogs and cats must not become free-roaming nuisances.


Adopters must be at least 18 years old. All adults in the household must participate in this application and selection process. We may require a valid form of identification bearing the applicant’s current address. Renters must supply their landowner’s name and phone number. Veterinary care and housing arrangements for applicants’ current pets must meet HSNI standards.

By signing this application, the applicant gives express permission for the HSNI to investigate all statements made on this application. Specifically, the applicant gives the HSNI permission to inquire of and obtain veterinary care records for the applicant’s current of past pets. Also, for applicants who rent their dwelling or trailer lot, the Humane Society will contact the current landowner to confirm permission for applicant to house a cat on the property as an indoor pet.

Cat Adoption Form

  • List the name of the cat you are interested in adopting. List additional names if you are interested in meeting multiple cats. Type "unsure" if you haven't selected a specific cat.
  • Household Information

  • Pet Name:Type/Breed:Age:Spayed/Neutered:(Yes or No)Still own? (Yes or No, if no:why not?) 
  • Please list any and all names your pet's vet work would be listed under at your veterinarian.
  • By signing below, I certify that the information I have given is true and that I recognize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in my losing the privilege of adopting or keeping an adopted pet. I understand that the Humane Society of North Iowa has the right to deny my request to adopt an animal, and I authorize investigation of all statements in this application. I understand that this application is the property of the Humane Society of North Iowa.

  • We often receive multiple applications for the same animal. If your application is not approved, it does not mean you would be a bad home or owner. We have concluded that another home would better fit the animal's needs.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Thank you for submitting your Adoption Application. Our Shelter Management staff will review your application and be in touch with you soon.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to call us anytime: 641-423-6241
Thank you!